While The Robot Slept - Dan L. Gray

I just finished this collection and I enjoyed it. At first it was a bit confusing I wasn't sure where robots fit in or what was exactly going on. But the author was able to weave an exciting tale with his introductions between short stories. I'm always amazed how easily some authors can set the tone of a story with so few words. Each individual story showed depth of character and described the surroundings completely without using cliche. Our main character is in a harsh future with no hope, which itself could be a story, yet Gray simply uses this to set up each individual short story. A small glimmer of hope, and anguish and bad ass action that I didn't want them to end. Using a magical photo album to present each was unique without being too expected or taking away from the stories. 


And the ending.. why? I'm one of those that prefers to know the exact thing not guess or assume, but I understand and accept it. I will definitely be looking for more work by Dan L. Gray.